2020-05-12 05:00Bloggpost

The First Wooden Wind Power Tower is Ready

Wooden wind power tower, delivered by Modvion.Wooden wind power tower, delivered by Modvion.

Sweden's first wooden wind tower has been erected. It has been delivered by Modvion, a promising and growing member company of the Paper Province bioeconomy business cluster. The wood construction is as strong as steel and makes the wind turbine climate neutral from the start.

Paper Province helped Modvion launch their idea of modular, wooden wind power constructions a few years ago. Now, the first tower og its kind has been erected outside Gothenburg.

"This is a major breakthrough that paves the way for the next generation of wind turbines. Laminated wood is stronger than steel at the same weight and by building in modules, the wind turbines can be taller. By building in wood, we also reduce carbon dioxide emissions in manufacturing and store carbon dioxide in the design”, says Otto Lundman, CEO at Modvion.

Taller, more efficient and cheaper

The wooden towers can be built at a much lower cost, compared to steel. The lower weight of the wood and the modular concept make it possible to transport the towers to construction sites on public roads, saving time and money.

“We can build towers that are 150 meters high at a 30 per cent lower cost. As a result, electricity generation can be increased thanks to higher wind speeds and larger rotor blades”, says Otto Lundman.

Commercial towers by 2022

The client of this first wooden tower is The Swedish Wind Power Technology Centre at Chalmers University of Technology. It is 30 meters high and will be used for research purposes. But already in 2022, the first towers will be built in commercial scale. Modvion has signed letters of intent with two Swedish energy companies; Varberg Energi for a 100 meter tower and with Rabbalshede Kraft for ten towers, at least 150 meters high.

"Wind power is expected to be EU's largest power source as early as 2027. With wind towers in wood, we get even more climate-smart and renewable electricity to face the climate crisis", says Ola Carlson, director of the Swedish Wind Power Technology Centre and assistant professor of renewable power generation.

Vindkraftstornet av trä är det första av sitt slag att resas i Sverige. Foto: Modvion.

The wind power tower is the first of its kind in Sweden. Photo: Modvion

Contact and more information

For more information and comments, please contact:

Otto Lundman, Modvion, +46 702-72 06 24, otto@modvion.com

More photos from the tower erection can be found here >

Photos of Otto Lundman and the manufacturing can be found here >

Read more about Modvion at http://www.modvion.com/


Om Paper Province

Paper Province is a world-leading business cluster within the forest bio-economy. We are owned and operated by more than 100 member companies. The cluster is based in Karlstad, Sweden, and mainly operates in the province of Värmland and the surrounding area, but also nationally and globally. Together with our member companies we work towards sustainable development with focus on innovation, skilled work force, internationalization and regional mobilization.


Annica Åman
Annica Åman